So, we have covered how to sketch the character, read the following to know how to transform the sketch into a person.
As already discussed, the best approach of forming a genuine profile is to make it believable by asking a few basic questions, like, Where is your character from? What was his proudest moment? What was his most embarrassing experience? Who is his personal idol and why? If his house was on fire, what’s the first thing he’d save? What does he crave the most in life? And so on….
By answering all of these questions, you will begin to develop an alive and breathing being rather than a made-up profile. The behavior of the particular profile will fix to a specific pattern, and the character will start to respond to your story (if this statement sounds odd, you have a lot to learn about writing).
The setting is equally important:
I will make a detailed post on how to choose the perfect settings for your story, but for now, let’s just summerise the topic in a few words. The setting is the most important element of any story; big or small, classic or contemporary, genre specific or creative, believable and near to reality settings create a firm basis for the characters to land on. It’s definitely true that a role, if not story, in many ways grows out of a sense of place, so it is only fair to draft an individual who appears local and is traceable within the setting.
Ask yourself; What country does your character live in? Which part of the world? Does he/she live alone or with a family? In a trailer park or an estate? How did he end up living there? How does he feel about it? All of these questions will make the silhouette more definite and fixated within the story. Knowing where your character lives can help you to understand how he might respond to certain people or situations. Does he live in a part of the world which has gone through rehabilitation after a battle, does he hail from an area where people are generous or loving, or does he represent cruelty and ignorance…
Be creative and personal. The aim is to know your characters inside out so that you believe in their private histories, emotions and psychologies and geographical location.
Draft them as living, breathing beings:
Every character has a need. A glass of water or the Kingdom, every aspect, if drafted maturely, wants something. This is excellent advice for creating believable characters; Characters who have goals and motivations are believable because they, like humans, have desires. They don’t merely sleepwalk through your novel. The primary need of anyone alive would be love or intimate relationships, revitalisation or restored self-possession, wealth, fame or status, a better world or the happiness of others….

Uroosa Kashif